Thursday, October 18, 2012

We go on Double Dates and then we judge you. Who wants to be a part of that??

Well, I know it's been a while, folks, and I promise I have plenty of good reasons and excuses as to why. But for now, here is the newest episode of the podcast!

For this episode, Cody and I asked our "producer" Alex, to help us out. He's been on the podcast a couple times, and is OBVIOUSLY a crowd favorite. I mean, why wouldn't he be? He is really really good at... making fun of Cody... and giving dating advice of course.

Alright, alright, Alex is my boyfriend, so I'm pretty biased. But we came up with a new idea for the podcast, so I promise I wasn't just bringing him on for my own prejudiced purposes. We decided one night that we were going to go on double dates with people, just to observe them, and then talk about it on the podcast. This was a result of going mini-golfing one night, and catching a couple totally using the whole, "wait, how do you swing the club?" gag, which results in the boy putting his arms around the girl and blah blah blah... and we wondered, is that NORMAL?? And so began the idea.

We went on a date with Alex's roommate and girl he has been pursuing. Mini-golfing... you know, just in case the same thing happened. But alas, it was actually pretty boring. The most exciting thing that happened was that they sword fought with their clubs, which I guess could be fun, but Alex and I are too mature to enjoy? Well.

So, we decided to give you all some Double Dating Tips! Or, Double-D as Cody would prefer we all call it. Take that as you will. 

1. Drive separately! It's so awkward to have the double door step scene. Plus, you get extra special car time to get to know each other without another couple observing you.

2. Try to go on a date with couples at the same stage in their relationship as you. You'll both feel more comfortable around each other, with similar PDA levels and all that... However, if you're looking for a shallow make-out date, you may as well go out with a couple you know will be all over each other, because odds are, your date will get pressured into doing the same with you. (Cody's advice, not mine.)

3. Be interactive! I know we stress that a lot, but it's so helpful while dating. There are many more opportunities to get to know each other, flirt a little... that kind of thing.

Well... those are the main points I recall discussing, but as usual, the podcast has a lot more witty banter, good advice (from me), and weird ideas about dating (from Cody), so go ahead and take a listen! 

You can find us at the website linked above, on itunes, and join our group on facebook DW Datecast. Cody can be followed on twitter @DatecastCody, I can be followed @shor_t_rose, and datecast updates and funny sarcastic nuances can be found @DWDatecast. Thanks for reading, listening, or even just browsing!

Peace out, homies.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cody thinks kissing is service, which I don't agree with.

Alright folks! Can you say, FINALLY? Here's the deal. We were supposed to have a podcast out last week on Dating Myths, but through a series of unfortunate events, the podcast was deleted, and we had to set up a skype date to re-record. We decided to scrap dating myths for a while, and just talk about kissing. Because who doesn't love some good kissing talk? On this podcast we discuss first kisses, what they mean at different stages, how to overcome the fear, and the two rules you should remember before kissing someone.

So, if you want to hear everything we talked about in the podcast, you should listen to it, because this is not going to be a specific transcript like the Singles Ward Episode. (most popular episode ever! Woo!)

You know, back in the olden days, men and women were barely allowed to be in the same room alone with each other. Especially if they were dating. Like, maybe if they were just friends, it was fine, but if they were dating, they each needed a chaperone, if not two. And I'm not saying that I want things to go back to that, because I for sure don't, but I just think it's interesting. Kissing was so intimate back then, because it was rare that you actually got to do it. And here we are these days, when if you have been with each other like three times, it's basically expected that you kiss. Not because you like each other a lot, or want to date at all, but because you have simply been near each other. 

I'm not saying it's always like this. There are many respectful people out there to date, who think that kissing is important and special and should always be that way. But I think a good majority of people think, whatever, it's just kissing. 

Which, with that thought, I think kissing is what you make it. If you want it to mean something, and you're with the right person, it will mean something. If you don't care if it matters, then it won't. The most important thing is that you evaluate your feelings for real. Do you want things to continue with this person? What kind of message do you hope to be sending by kissing them? Have you noticed signals from the person that they are interested in kissing you as well? What do you think their motives are? 

These are the things you need to look for, for a meaningful kiss!

If you don't know how to kiss, here are the steps:

1. Create the Opportunity: If you want to kiss someone, you need to make it an option. You are not going to get kissed if you aren't even looking at the person. So that's the first step, look at the person head on. Eye contact is essential at first. Yep, I'm talking some full frontal eye gazing. I went there.

2. Wait Time: The worst part of creating the opportunity is keeping it going. There you are, gazing into each others eyes, and NOTHING IS HAPPENING! Do you keep looking? Do you look away?? If you want that kiss, you better keep looking. Boys need time to gather their courage, and girls need time to decide if they want it or not... ha ha.

3. Lean In: Umm... pretty self explanatory.

4. Stagger and Tilt: This is ESSENTIAL! You don't want to hit noses, but you don't want to turn your face horizontal. Tilt your face whichever way is most comfortable. Just to the side of the nose. And then stagger your lips! Do not go top lip to top lip. You need to be in between. Pick the top lip to aim for, OR the bottom lip, and go for it. Not both! There is no need for both, you greedy people.

5. Try Not to Laugh: This is a mostly personal one. I have a hard time not laughing after kissing. I get awkward sometimes, so what? 

Ok, go on a date! And kiss someone! But only if you mean it!

Monday, August 27, 2012

singles ward survival guide!

It's that magical time again! Click here to listen to the new podcast entitled "Singles Ward Survival Guide" --> HERE!

For those of you not in the know about Singles Wards... here's a quick explanation. In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we have wards. Wards are filled with people from a certain area, and they are assigned to a certain building, and a certain time for worship service. A SINGLES WARD is a ward for young single people between the ages of 18-31, because we're all in the same position in life... and also because they want us to date each other. The thing about Singles Wards is that sometimes, they're a little weird. So, Cody and I decided to make a "Singles Ward Survival Guide", which mostly consists of classifying everyone and telling you to avoid them. But, you know. So, listen up and figure out where you fit in the singles ward! And what you can do to not be one of these people!


1. Sauron Girls: These are the girls in the ward who think only about the ring. They want that shiny bling on their finger, and they don't care who they steamroller over to get it. They will date anyone who crosses their path to get that 2 carat dream ring.

2. Premies: These are the little 18-19 year old boys who just got out of high school and are preparing to go on a mission. On their missions, they can't be kissing any ladies, so the Singles Ward is their playground. They want to find any girls they can to "fill the canteen".

i do not know this kid. google images.
3. Sour Patch Girls: These are the girls who are pretty jaded by love, and are "sour" toward dating. It's really too bad for them, because someone surely likes them. But they don't even bother anymore.

4. Soul Patch Guys: These are the guys who are getting a little old for the singles ward. They're having a mid-twenties identity crisis. They grow their soul patches in order to look cooler, and try to win the girls over. Silly soul patch guys.

i also do not know this guy.
5. Mission Plug Boys: These return missionaries cannot bring up anything in front of a crowd without mentioning their mission. We're happy they went on missions. But still.

i do know this guy. it's Cody!
6. The Question Marks: How old are these guys? You can't tell if they're a member of the bishopric, or if they're just soul patch guys without the soul patch. It's a confusing thing. Make it obvious, boys. Wear your age on your forehead for crying out loud!

like this guy. you never knew he was like 30 on hannah montana, did you?
7. The Self-Promoters: These are the girls who will lie to make something happen with a guy. It's like when a girl goes up and pretends she likes the same things as the guy, even if she has no clue what she's talking about. Be honest, ladies! You don't have to like EVERYTHING they do. In fact, you can tell them that if they want to take you on a hike, they should make it a short and easy one. If they like you enough, they won't mind.

i mean, right?
8. Overzealous: These are the boys who are the equivalent of the Sauron Girls. They will date anyone to get married. So, obviously, if you're a Sauron girl, you should find an Overzealous boy, and all of your problems will be solved.

9. The Players: These are the cutest boys in the ward that all the girls want, but the boys has no intention of ever dating anyone, even though they take out multiple girls in a week.
it's just... so dramatic. how could I not?
10. Little Engines That Could: These are the boys who are like Players, but it's only because every time they ask a girl out, they are rejected. And yet, they still persevere and ask girls out and have faith! Keep on keepin' on, boys!


Don't date your home teacher.

Girls, don't ask guys out unless it's a desperate situation. Just do your job and look pretty.

And finally, don't bother just getting married without dating. You need to date the person to learn all about them! Put in the effort!

And that's all for today, folks. Catch ya later. Feel free to "like" our Facebook page, DW Datecast feat. Madeline, follow us on Twitter @DWDatecast, and follow this blog! Go ahead and comment and tweet us with ideas you would like us to talk about on the podcast. We love your input! Thanks everyone!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

get over it, fools!

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been very attentive to this lovely blog. I just happened to take a vacation to England for 10 days! Lucky me! Anyway, here is the newest episode of datecast -----> click here!

And here is the blog post I wrote on my personal blog, P.S. My Name Is Madeline that inspired the datecast! If you want to hear more, you should listen to the podcast, if you don't have time to listen, this should suffice. Stay pretty, Salt Lake City! And hey, ask someone on a date!

A question I get most often from my friends is, "How do you get over boys?" And sometimes I feel like I'm the worst person in the world to ask. Because frankly, it doesn't take me that long. 
Haha... that sounded heartless.... but look at it this way. I date boys, and so far, it hasn't worked out. This doesn't mean it will NEVER work out, it just means that it hasn't yet. It is so so easy to fall into the trap of, "I date so many boys, and none of them work out! Maybe something is wrong with me???" 
That's wrong. The truth of the matter is, not every single boy you date (or girl, if you are a boy who is reading this...) is going to be THE ONE. In fact, you'd better hope not all of them are, because that would be super duper stressful. 
The reason that we date people is to LEARN something. I can look back at each of my relationships and say this worked, and this definitely did not. And with this knowledge, I approach a new relationship stronger and smarter than before. 

It's hard, really hard, to have a break up with somebody. You're used to them around. They text you, call you, cuddle with you, kiss you, make you feel special... and suddenly they are gone. You don't have the "we" factor anymore. If there is one thing I make sure to stress to my friends who ask me about break-ups, I tell them that they need some time by themselves. Being with your boyfriend (or girlfriend) becomes so normal and comfortable, that you forget how to be alone. How to be by yourself, just you, no one else. 

Another thing that I don't do is wallow. I just don't. I don't want to. I just can't be that person who crawls into bed and cries for days on end over what could have been. I definitely cry, but there is a moment when the tears have just got to stop... time to move on.
 I don't want to be the person who says, "remember that time when we did this and it was so so perfect and I thought maybe we would be together forever??" I want to be the person who says, "I remember that time, things were really good, and I was happy. But I also remember that time that things weren't so great, and I would like to not go through that again." 
I have to look at both sides of the story. If you get stuck remembering the good times, you won't learn what you're supposed to from the relationship.

And lastly, I look forward to the future. Every time I have a break up, I can't help but be weirdly excited for the next boy to come along. Like, "oh! That didn't work out this time, which means...*excited pause* something even better is around the corner!!!!" 
Because it is! Something better is always coming. 
So I jump right back into life, full speed ahead. That's the easiest way for me to get over it, is just living in the present and looking forward to the future instead of dwelling in the past. 

So there you have it (even if you didn't ask for it), my steps to getting over a boy (or girl??).
To recap:
1: Learn to be yourself again.
2: Focus on the whole picture.
3: Look forward to the future.
4: Take the lesson you were meant to learn, and use it!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

in a relationship, you shouldn't be selfish

This is the newest episode of Datecast! ---> HOW TO HAVE A GOOD RELATIONSHIP

In this most recent episode, Cody and I talk about relationships, and how to have a good one. Since I obviously am at that point in my life where I need to talk about this... it made the most sense. (so, don't take this next weekend's topic personally, Alex... it is what it is.)

Date Recap:

I'm the only one who had a date! Again! Is it just me, or is Cody slacking off? Alex came up and visited me at work. It was really nice of him! He had to drive an hour and a half! We watched fireworks for Utah's holiday Pioneer Day, and then just sat and talked for a while. It was so nice to have some down time! Cody makes some jokes about how I invited my friends on the date with me... and that our first date as a couple was a double date. What really happened was that my friend Kjarinda (Ka-Rin-Da) wanted to go watch the fireworks with her boy, and we decided to do that together! But they left when the fireworks were over. So we really had a lot of time to ourselves. And honestly, I don't remember ever specifying that it was a date. So. It was still fun.

And then... one that we didn't talk about! I got to take Alex with me to the RIDICULOUSLY AMAZING THEME PARK CALLED LAGOON! (It's average at best.) We rode a few rides and hung out with my sisters and friends (which, I'm sure, Cody would not approve of.) But it ended up being a good time. It's always good to spend time together!

Date Debate:

We decided to talk about how to have a good relationship. How to be a good girlfriend/boyfriend kind of deal. We talk about a lot of things, and honestly, this date debate is one of our better ones. The most important points that we discussed were that relationships require you to not be SELFISH! And to treat the other person how you would like to be treated. I don't know... just listen to it.

Also, something that's really fun to do is take the 5 Love Languages Quiz! (you can click on that) This quiz shows how you give and receive love, and if you know that, you should have minimal problems keeping your relationship going. So. Go forth and do.

Take someone on a date! (That means you, Cody)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

a podcast and date recap and some all caps kind of sentences

Hey there peeps! (ew, did I really  just say that? oh well. I'm leaving it.) I haven't blogged in a while. My bad. Or probably Cody's bad. Why am I the only one who blogs, anyway? Is it because I'm a girl? How sexist are we?

Here is the most recent podcast... as of like, a week ago. (sorry sorry sorry! But honestly, if you "like" our facebook page, you don't have to worry about waiting such a long time for them! Just throwing that out there!) Click here --> PODCAST!!!!!! (that was for you, grandma and grandpa. p.s. if you click the BOYS TALK ABOUT FLIRTING you can get to the other one. sorry for the no arrow confusion... arrows from now on!)

The latest podcast featured a guest podcaster who was none other than WEDNESDAY NIGHT GIRL herself! Brook Adkins! Basically, she comes on the show and refutes everything Cody has ever said about her, which I thought was pretty awesome. I want you guys to listen to it, so I'm only going to tell you my favorite part, and then I'm going to talk about me! (ha!) Remember that story where Cody, under his breath, asked Brooke out, and she kept talking and didn't acknowledge it at all? We decided that she probably didn't hear him, and gave her the benefit of the doubt. Only it turns out that she DID hear him, and ignored him because she was in the middle of a sentence, and she thinks "what are you doing this weekend" is the worst question in the world. But she did want him to try to ask her out again... so it's too bad he gave up on her and she got an old man boyfriend. Oh, the horror!

In other news, all about me, and my dating life that is cool, would you like to hear a date recap? Everyone say "yes"!

The gist of the thing is this - picnic, chocolate covered strawberries, bridge, bench, and sunset + random fireworks on a mountain. oh, and then The Dark Knight Rises because... duh.

Samples of Conversations on a Date Recap

Alex: I was trying to think of food that you have on picnics, like when we were little? So I brought Sunny D.
Madeline: Yeah, that's a no brainer.

Alex: I'm actually allergic to bees, but I don't know what will happen when I get stung.  You may have to take me to the hospital.
Madeline: Really? Can we test it out?

Madeline: I was debating on wether to wear nice shoes or hiking shoes. I almost wore nice shoes, because I didn't really feel like hiking. But I settled on Toms.
Alex: Last time you wore those, you fell down.
Madeline: Exactly. So, maybe we shouldn't hike.
Alex: It's short, we'll just go to a bridge!

Madeline: (Standing on road) Is this the bridge?
Alex: Right here?
Madeline: Yes.
Alex: ... No.

Madeline: Oh, this bridge is actually kind of cool! There is a little river! People's initials are carved in it!  A cafe rio cup is in the water!
Alex: Oh, that was probably from Cody. The birds will make a nest from it!

Alex: Let's race sticks down the river. You have to be really careful which stick you choose, it needs to be really aerodynamic.
Madeline: (breaks stick off branch.) Let's go.
(They drop the sticks off the bridge, Madeline's gets stuck on a rock. Alex's disappears.)
Alex: Ohhhhh... there are too many sticks and rocks for them to get through. It's a dam.
Madeline: I think I won.

Alex: Do you want to go out with me?
Madeline: Where?
Alex: ...To the zoo.
Madeline: Umm....
Alex: No, like go out, like dating...
Madeline: Oh, so like, me and you? You and me? No one else? 
Alex: ... yeah...
Madeline: Sure.

And that's your date recap in some snippets of conversation. Boring? Haters back off.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

this is what the boys said...

Here are the boys answers to my flirting questions, and their own take on flirting! It's quite hilarious!

In this episode, you get to hear sweet nothings from Cody's best friends: Alex, Riley, and Luke. Yeah, guys, I know, that's the Alex that I've been going on dates with. They start out by introducing them, blah blah blah. Alex gives a date recap, so I feel like I don't have to! He says that we went to a drive in movie, but there was no canoodling like Cody was hoping, although we did hold hands. This is all true!   Way to go, Alex! 

Afterwords, Cody brags about himself for a bit, but Alex sets the record straight, pointing out that Cody is in fact, NOT 6'3" and 210lbs. So. That's embarrassing Cody. You're like, one of those online people who lies about everything. Just kidding everyone, he only fibbed a bit. He's pretty normal. 

So, they read my blog. Cody agrees that flirting should come naturally, and Alex points out that it's a lot easier to flirt with people you don't like! I agree. Cody reads something that he sent to Wednesday Night Girl to ask her to podcast with him this week. (Are you guys so excited? Wednesday Night Girl! An actual love interest of Cody's! She'll be talking to you all!) Riley talks about lowering the stakes to make himself more comfortable with flirting. Love that, Riley! Flirting does not mean commitment! Luke says he doesn't get nervous until he gets to know people more. This is semi-normal, I guess... Cody agrees that there is more at stake. Everyone agrees that confidence is really attractive! You guys, seriously, all you need is a smile and some eye contact, and you can get someone a little interested. They all laugh as quietly as possible, and have a hard time talking. I can only imagine how this was going down in Cody's basement...

So, answers to questions.

1. Cody notices that he just answered this question! Do boys respond to confidence in the same way girls do? The answer is obviously, yes. Cody then brags to Alex about having a better relationship with me than he does. Much taunting laughter at this jibe.

2. What makes you feel comfortable enough around a girl to flirt with her? Alex says when girls give him good signals, he feels comfortable. Cody agrees. Riley likes it when girls start up conversations. Cody talks about a girl who flirts with him by bringing up deaths. Luke things there should be attraction already, that way, he knows he likes her and he goes after it! Luke, you are so brave! Love it. Riley thinks you should keep flirting if you like a girl, Cody really likes that. Alex taunts Luke about a girl named Alexis who he used to like. Luke defends himself by saying he doesn't like her anymore. Much boyish sniggering behind the microphones. They blow each others noses.

3. What makes you think that a girl is flirting with you? (I thought this question was hilarious. As if girls are ever really flirting with them...) Riley likes it when girls bring up things like, "we should go boating sometime!" Cody labels that "probing". Alex agrees that "call back" is important. When girls remember what you have said before, that's good. Luke thinks what I said about eye contact is good! Thanks Luke! My mom told me to say that. Ha ha. Jk. Cody thinks it's easier to tell when girls aren't flirting with you. That's because they never are... as I mentioned before. (Sorry, is this getting mean? You know I don't mean it.)

4. What do you consider flirtatious? Yes that is a real word. Riley is all about light-heartedness, physical contact like soft brushes of the arm... Cody misquotes me by saying that I basically run into people on purpose to flirt. This is untrue. 

5. What can girls say to get you more interested? Cody thinks when girls joke about kissing they are flirting. Cody, Cody, Cody. Luke doesn't like super forward girls, but still finds it flattering. Cody likes forwardness. Riley thinks compliments and opportunities to hang out are good. Cody likes when girls pretend to like what he likes. (They're desperate, Cody). Alex thinks nothing. When he likes a girl, he likes her. This is good information to know? yeahhhhh. Riley needs more time to decide if he likes someone. Alex is the type to observe them from a distance and then get to know them. It's all good, I'm used to people spying on me.... ha. 


We love dating. So if you date, we love you. Yeah, we dropped the "L" word on ya. 

They also role play... talking about androgynous names and flirting with each other. It's like... pretty good. I guess you'll just have to listen to it. Enjoy!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Just FYI. Flirting 101.

Hey everyone! Today's post is kind of cool, because Cody is going to be podcasting at the SAME TIME that I am posting this. This is happening because on Saturday I sped all the way home to podcast with him, and then the computer deleted every amazing thing I said, and I had to go to my other job. So. Without further ado...

This podcast is about FLIRTING!

(I'll do a date recap later.)

Good ole Wikipedia said flirting is "a sexual activity involving verbal or written communication as well as body language by one person to another, suggesting an interest in a deeper relationship with the other person." So, that's cool.

For me, body language is the most important part. My love language is Quality Time, (we will podcast about that another day!) so I think that's why body language would matter to me. The proximity of the person is really important. When I am flirting with someone, I am usually close to them in some way. Standing close, arms touching, whatever. I think in person flirting is a lot easier than over text or Facebook or what have you... mostly because of one thing. Eye Contact. It's so much easier to connect with someone if you can look into their eyes. Especially if you can't be standing close to them with your arms touching. You see your guy over there talking to some other girl? Catch his eye, and look away. BAM. Love connection. 

Ha ha, just kidding. What do I really know about flirting? If you ask me, flirting is just something that happens naturally. It is not a conscious effort that I make to stand closer to someone. My roommates used to always tease me because I would unconsciously slide closer and closer to the person I liked on the couch. You know, start on one end, end up right next to him? But I didn't mean to. Naturally we are just attracted to people, and we flirt with them. So, my advice is to not think about it. Put yourself in the other person's area or space, and let it come naturally from there. Make eye contact! Be yourself. You can't feel confident in someone you don't know, so don't act like someone different. Girls respond to confidence, and I'm sure it's the same for boys?

Speaking of which, hey boys! (There are some boys podcasting with cody today on a sort of "panel" if you will.) So here are some questions.

1. Do boys respond to confidence just like girls? 
2. What makes you feel comfortable enough around a girl to flirt with her?
3. What makes you think that a girl is flirting with you?
4. What kinds of things to you consider "flirtatious"?
5. What kinds of flirtatious things can girls say to you to get you even more interested? ha ha.

So there you have it! When the boys have spoken, I will post the podcast on this blog. Leave comments about flirting! What do you think about it? How does it really work?

Now go, ask someone out! Hold their hand, because that's always fun. ;)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Stalkers! Bad Dates! Flirting Fails!

Click this for Podcast --> PODCAST!

Alrighty! Time for a recap of our latest podcast. This episode was actually recorded quite a few weeks ago, but our second half interview segment bailed on us which was so totally lame. (I mean, really.) So Cody finally found a chance to use the first half, and that was when I was gone! To make it seem like I was really there! Only it may have been confusing to some of you, who were sure that my next date recap would be about Alex and not some ridiculously boring person... but there you have it. Those were the days of early summer. So, let's recap this thing.

My date with Spencer.

It was alright. It was a blind date, set up by my little sister who thinks I'm a dating failure. (You wait, Olivia. I haven't hit my peak yet. But it is coming! Oh, it is coming.) So, he picked me up, told me that being an Elementary School Teacher was lame (basically...), and drove me to a little place we like to call Boondocks. A.K.A. dumbfamilyfuncenterthathasbadfoodandstuff. We ate pizza, talked about music, and then played arcade games. This was all... fine. But what was annoying was the fact that he wasn't ok with me winning ANYTHING. Now, I'm not a competitive person, but it is a little annoying when someone won't even have the grace to congratulate me on doing well on something. Instead of saying, "Oh, ha ha, I let you do that." ExCUSE me, but no you didn't, mister. I mean, me scoring an extra point in air hockey isn't the end of the world. So, that was that, and we went home, and I decided to never see him again.

Cody's story from this week revolved around him choking when trying to ask Wednesday Night Girl Out. Speaking of which... you'll be hearing from Wednesday Night Girl herself someday in the near future! Get excited! Basically, they have a class together on Wednesday night, and Cody sits next to her and compliments her. They talk and flirt up a storm. And then while packing up to leave class, Wednesday Night Girl is talk talk talking away and Cody blurts out, (in a whisper) (can you blurt in a whisper?) (well, he did.) "What are you doing this weekend?" And Wednesday Night Girl either did not hear him, or decided to ignore it... the jury is still out on that one. But I say didn't hear it!

After our date recaps and flirting fails, we talked about Stalkers!!! Stalkers, in my opinion, are people who are "emotionally invested in something that hasn't happened yet." So, the best way to not be a stalker is to observe signals, and keep control of yourself! Come on, people! Cody's advice to girls on how to help a boy not become a stalker (a.k.a. reject them kindly) comes in three steps.

1. Tell them, "No thanks, why don't you ask someone else?" When asked on a date you don't want to go on.

2. If they try again, say, "I don't like you that way."

3. If they try one more time, say, "Get away from me, you creepy head!" (Or something like that? I forget how Cody words things sometimes.) 

Basically ladies, be honest! And boys, read signals! 

In fact, EVERYONE read signals!! DUH!

podcasting tomorrow! Get ready!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

a special post for you all

It's been a while since I graced you all with my dating guru presence, and that is because I'm on vacation! So I thought I'd leave you with my most popular post on my personal blog which just happens to be on dating! Enjoy! Hope you had a wonderful fourth of July!

Mixed Signals

Hello all! So, I was getting ready to go on a date last night (an hour before I had to) (because I was bored to death) (I miss living with best friends) (why not try on every color of lipstick I own?) and it just got me pondering. On that thing we call dating. Now, I know I don't talk about dating a lot on this blog, and when I do, it's funny first kiss stories or subtleiwasfeelingbitteratthemoment posts. Whatever. It's the title of this post. It's the fact that I feel like all of us 20-something singles out here are getting so many mixed signals from everyone around us about HOW we should date. I haven't seriously dated anybody in a while... I've had a few flings here and there this year. Which caused a huge part of me - HUGE I tell you - to rethink my whole approach to dating. Earlier this year I realized that I am the girl, that one girl, the girl the boys think they can just call up whenever. Not in THAT way, people. I mean, the way that they don't have to ask me out on official dates. They can just hang out with me all casual like and make me like them without any real effort. They were right, of course. I'm far too easy going. Because you hear all those stories of girls freaking out over this or that and boys hating them, and I think somewhere along the line I decided, you know what? I'm just going to not be that girl. I'm going to be the easy going you-don't-have-to-worry-about-me-because-i'm-not-worried-about-you kind of girl. And then I realized that has to stop. So it did. I'm still easy going, but I'm not settling for no effort. I need a DATE, guys. I'm WORTH a date, guys. Or two.

And then there's the whole, you know, marriage thing. My friends are getting married. It took long enough, but it's happening. But they all tell that story. The one where they, "weren't even looking to get married, and there he was! He just showed up, and everything fell into place!" What do you MEAN you weren't even LOOKING? How did you see him then? How did he get there? He just randomly appeared and you loved each other? It's THAT easy? I tried to "stop looking" once (not that I'm ever looking really, more, perusing) and I got a whole lot of NOTHING because the boys were like, why is she looking over there at that fallen tree?

So I can only assume that married people forgot how dating really works. And that's why no one can pinpoint the secret to making it happily ever after.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

a date recap of my own, for you.

After the podcast on Saturday, I had my second date with Alex. (See first date here.) Once again, it was a surprise! I love surprises!! (Have you seen Kristen Wiig's surprise party sketch on Saturday Night Live? If not, watch it, and then read that last sentence again.) He came to pick me up, and then we drove into the metropolis that is Salt Lake City. We parked at The Gateway, and walked straight from the parking lot into... Discovery Gateway! The Children's Museum! (It was previously mentioned on the last podcast that This was a potential date idea, and that I would love it. But Alex would like you to know that this was his idea BEFORE the podcast, and it was a blow to his pride to take me there after the fact, but he did it anyway, because, let's face it, it's a good idea. comma.) When we got there, we walked straight to the magnetic wall, and it was all fun and games after that. Never mind that we were the only adults without children there... it was a blast. There was one moment even, where, while sitting down to draw comics, Alex turned to me and said, "Oh no! That child just fell out of his stroller right next to you!" And I looked at him feeling confused, because I had no idea that a child was next to me in the first place. And then when I looked down, lo and behold, there was a baby flailing around on the ground by my feet! I scooped him up and put him back in his stroller, patting his arm consolingly while he looked at me with watery eyes. Finally, some woman wandered over saying things like, "Where is Hayden? Is that him? I can't tell if that's him..." (If she was his mother, I'm reporting her. She doesn't even recognize her kid?? She didn't even SEE HIM FALL OUT OF A STROLLER?!) So, after determining that it was, in fact, Hayden, she strolled him away, muttering about people leaving him alone over there. After which, Alex and I made paper airplanes, wrote secret messages on them, and flew them off the roof. And then pretended we were helicopter pilots. And then built a building in a triangle shape, hoping that it would withstand the earthquake. (It would not.) After an exciting game of throwing plastic colored balls at each other, the museum closed and we had to leave. So we went to California Pizza Kitchen and made best friends with our waiter! We chatted about things! I dropped my fork on the floor! And ice cream on my shirt! The waiter saw it all! Then we got in the car to drive home, and conversed about which was better, Maroon 5's Payphone song, or Katy Perry's Wide Awake. I was all for Payphone. And while Alex was looking for Wide Awake on the radio to prove that it was better, Payphone came on, and we had a dance party in the car. Win.

So, that was my second date. Interactive? Check.

Go forth! Date someone!

podcast that needs to be posted! no dates! Second dates! Teaser for the next post!

Hey there, everyone! So, our newest podcast has not been posted yet. (Hopefully today!!) But I figured I'd recap a little bit of it anyway. Just the first half. When it is posted, I'll post about the second half. For my entertainment as much as yours.

Cody and I both had not gone on dates this past week. (Me, because of my summer job as a camp counselor, him because he was too chicken, of course.) So we chatted about the prospective date that I had, and how he was going to get a second date from the girl he took out last time. Both of us felt good about what was to come.

And then, since it was on topic (did we plan that? You bet we did) we talked about SECOND DATES! How to get them. Our main conclusion is that second dates should happen if you are getting the right signals. We cannot stress enough that signals are your main dating guide. Do not ignore them! It's like when you're looking at your GPS on the way to a place you've never been before. One wrong turn and.... you're lost. So always always always pay attention to the signals of the other person. (We did one of our favorite podcasts about signals a little while ago. For all of our podcasts, go to Podomatic, or download them for free on iTunes.) We decided that second dates should still be interactive, because you still need to get to know the person. But also, if you continue going on dates with the same person, not EVERY date has to be super creative and interactive. If you just like spending time with the person, just spend time with them! However you want. It's the first few crucial dates that it is important to make sure you are getting to know the person above all else. And in the end we concluded that if someone asks you on a third date, they are definitely interested. And if you say yes, you're saying you're interested back. So, don't give off wrong signals, pay attention to signals, and go on interactive get-to-know-you second dates!

After we concluded this, Cody teased me about not knowing what my second date with Alex was going to be. And then I plugged my ears and he told everyone on the podcast.

But now I know what the date was and how it went... so perhaps I will post about that later!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

date recaps and all manner of other dating things

So! Welcome back! Cody DW Scott and I pocasted this weekend, so here is my first ever recap post! (are you excited?  You should be!) Pretty much we talked about my last post that I wrote. So the recapping will be at a minimum for Date Debate! Just read the last post! Woo!

Without further ado, a recap on Date Recap.

So I, Madeline went on a date this last week with a nice young man named Alex. (He's been on the show before! In fact, we have talked about him a lot! You may have to go back and listen for it, it's worth it.) Alex and I have been friends for a while, and we were originally planning a camping trip with friends for this past weekend. But due to extenuating circumstances, we couldn't go, and I was sad. So, Alex asked me on a date for last Thursday, and I said yes! (duh!) The whole thing was a big surprise. All I knew what that I should wear normal clothes, and not eat before hand. So, he came and picked me up, and we went to Winger's for dinner! WINGERS! (it's cool.) And then we drove to his house. HIS HOUSE! (I was surprised.) And he said, "Don't be worried," (I wasn't. I was just surprised.) "I promise it's not weird." So we walked into his backyard and I stumbled upon a campsite! A CAMPSITE! That's right folks, Alex had set up a tent and a fire pit and camp chairs and even a horse shoe game! A HORSE SHOE GAME! (I had previously told him that one of my favorite camping trips involved horse shoes.) I was dying. How wonderful! How creative! How thoughtful! So, I beat him in horse shoes, naturally. We made s'mores, and Alex tried to get me to put a match out with my mouth... which I was much too terrified to do. But he could do it, and that was fun. And then we went inside the tent. Not like that, guys. We went in and what to my wondering eyes did I behold?  A COUCH AND A FLAT SCREEN TV. Yep, you read that right. So we watched a movie, with a sleeping bag as a blanket, and it was just about one of the best dates I have had in a while.

A while ago, Cody and I were podcasting, and he started facebook chatting with this girl named Emily. While I was there! The horror! Like I want to sit there and watch him flirt with some other girl? The nerve of him. So, in a moment of comedy, Cody was typing something hilarious (hilarious to him, it was actually kind of mean...) like, "Just give me your number you crazy girl. I am tired of talking to you about your life! And you are dumb!" (that's just a guess of what it said... I don't really remember.) So we were chuckling, and then he started deleting it, and I just (oops!) reached over and pressed enter before it was all the way deleted. And in a twist of fate, the message ended up saying only, "Just give me your number yo". Needless to say, we ended up laughing so hard we were crying, and she gave him her number. So, he asked her out this past week! They went to an average Mexican restaurant, where Emily validated him by telling him that the salsa was the best she'd had in a while. (it's salsa from a jar, but Emily doesn't need to know that.) (Emily, are you reading this?) Anyway, then they went to the greatest fun spot you'll ever know, Cherry Hill! They went mini-golfing, where she beat him handily, and then messed around at the batting cages, where Cody discovered his hidden talent, and the fact that Emily is horrible at baseball. But they both had a grand time! And Cody would ask her out again!

So that's basically what we talked about, without a few gems of course, because you should still listen to the podcast, which I will link right HERE.

Ask someone for their number, yo! 

Friday, June 15, 2012

my thoughts on dates

While we're on the subject... oh wait, we're ALWAYS on the subject! How comforting.

Let me tell you about my thoughts on dates. I don't like them. At least, those first dates, first stages of what could possibly in the future be a relationship but who really knows anyway and most likely won't be because more often then not first dates are disappointing... if you know what I'm saying. Usually, before first dates I am overwhelmed with the desire to come up with a believable excuse of how I could not possibly come. Half the time, I follow through with the excuses (something I am working on!) a quarter of the time I just go to get the inevitable over with, and the last quarter of the time I am actually semi-excited. (congratulations to you young men who have made the semi-excited list. Watch. Now you are all evaluating your relationships with me and feeling uncertain. whoops.) (not that there are a lot of you?)

Anyway, what I'm trying to really say is, I would like to give you some tips on first dates! Would that be acceptable? I don't need your approval! Moving forward.


1. For heaven's sake keep it short. I'm talking 3 hours at the max. First dates are awkward just because of the fact that they are called a "first date" so dragging out the awkwardness any longer could be a recipe for disaster. Short and to the point is the way they should go.

2. Do something interactive. No movies! No places where you have to sit down and be quiet. What is even the point of spending money on someone you barely know, and asking them to sit quietly next to you? I submit that there is no point. Meals are good places for conversation, competitive things like mini-golf and batting cages are good ways to see how this other person reacts under pressure. That's all you really need to know about a person, anyway.

3. Have a plan. I once went on a date where there was a really flimsy plan, and I completely lost faith in the person all together. Girls like to know that you're a man with a plan, full of confidence! Ready to take on the world! Knows how to roll with the punches! That kind of thing.

4. Casual is better. As mentioned before, first dates are already the breeding place of awkward, so if you are forced to be (gasp!) fancy? that's just begging for trouble. Take it down a notch, Romeo. If you're taking a girl on a date who only wants to wear evening wear, you've got bigger fish to fry.

5. Pay attention to signals. This is the most important thing to remember, because you're going to have to address these signals at the end of the date. That's right, the doorstep scene. If you caught on to the signals, you should have no problem during such a scene. And, action! (ha ha). You need to be able to recognize if it was a handshake, high five, hug, or kiss kind of date! You need to know if a second date is in the future or if it is a ridiculous notion! (probably it will be the latter. what? you only end up with one person. duh.)

That's all I have to say about that.

Cody and I are recording tomorrow early early! (ew!) We'll be talking about break-ups. (sad face!) And maybe first kiss stories! (we'll see!) Basically, just get ready for awesomeness.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

getting to know you, getting to know all about you! (because that's what you do on dates... duh.)

Acknowledging the fact that we have yet to post a new podcast that I can debrief on this here blogging wonder, I thought, hey! Maybe some of you are new! Maybe you would love to know who the heck we even are! Maybe you would like to know if I enjoy sunsets, or if Cody loves remote controlled helicopters! (It's all very exciting, this getting to know you thing.) So, without further ado, I'll give you a short history on each of us!


It was in first grade that I had my first boyfriend. His name was James. He gave me a yin yang necklace. He had the yin, I had the yang. (or the other way around? hmm.) Needless to say, it didn't work out, and I buried the necklace and ran away in my little red jacket. I spent most of elementary school building imaginary worlds on the playground, and trying to impress people by kicking soccer balls as hard as possible. I spent afternoons watching Even Stevens and falling madly in love with Shia LaBeouf (a relationship which, sadly, never came to be). Jr. High brought a whole slew of TLC shows that changed my life. Like, What Not To Wear, and Trading Spaces. As I made my way to high school, thinking I was cooler than everyone else, and wondering if I'd get asked to prom with that attitude, I met Cody. No, he didn't ask me to prom. He stayed home and played video games. And made me do his homework. But that's another story altogether. And this story is one about me! So, moving on. I finally got to college, had a first kiss, changed my major, dated a plethora of men, only had a dishwasher for one year, and started a blog and a podcast! My life has really come to its peak. (hopefully not!)


In Cody's early life, he attended a hoity toity school called "Spectrum" which defined him as a loner for the rest of his life. Thankfully, he moved to new places like Loveland, Colorado, and Chicago, Illinois and gained some sense of normalcy. In high school, Cody was the type of kid who laughed in the face of authority figures, excelled at AP classes, and played video games instead of asking people to dances (too much? sorry). While the rest of us moved around to colleges, Cody became a Janitor and Security guard for a bacon factory, (a very honorable thing. I'm sure he did it because he knew girls love a man in uniform) and dated a girl he hated just to get closer to his real crush (good plan??). After those days, Cody served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Spain, where he visited torture museums, learned to speak Spanish with a lisp, and of course, taught the gospel. Following the mission days, Cody decided to attend a school that he hates, where he is a rebel without a cause, writing papers that are the opposite of what the teacher asked for, and getting in trouble more than he did in high school. He came up with the idea for the dating podcast, and even started a second (lesser known, but I'm sure just as cool, (NO. NOT JUST AS COOL.) podcast on video games. Surprise, surprise.

So there you have it, our quick life synopsis. Keep coming back! Cody and I are recording on Saturday, but I'm sure you'll hear from us more before that... Saturday is like, super far away. Bleh.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Do you date or dream of dating? Welcome to the right place.

Hey, hey, hey there Daters and Date-ett's! (That's how Cody says it on the podcast but I am unsure of the spelling.) Welcome to our blog where we recap and rehash important points of the podcast, and I'm sure, liven things up a little with even more dating insight than anyone can possibly handle.

At this moment, previous recordings can be downloaded FREE from iTunes! All you have to do is search DW Datecast. There is also a handy site called Podomatic where you can do the same. This stuff is worth listening to, people. We tackle all the normal dating issues, and come to pretty awesome and helpful conclusions. We can't all be masters of dating... that's why Cody and I took it upon ourselves to share with the world.

If you feel so inclined (and you should!) by all means, "like" us on Facebook and follow us on twitter by clicking the links to the --> of your screen! (that little arrow means to the right, genius, I know.) We're sarcastic on Twitter, and we post very specific and accurate horoscopes on Facebook. We also take your suggestions on topics, so if you want to contact us, feel free! You may just get a shout out.

Well. Now is the time where I transition into a farewell sentence... but as Cody would tell you, I'm not that great at transitions. (that is a LIE! I'm great at them! I'll prove it!)

"like" us, follow us on the blog and twitter, and we guarantee* that you will have much more success in dating!

This is Madeline, signing off. May the dating odds be ever in your favor!

(that wasn't too bad, was it?)

* standard dating rates apply. we are not held accountable for your dating failures, but we will take credit for the successes.