Tuesday, July 17, 2012

this is what the boys said...

Here are the boys answers to my flirting questions, and their own take on flirting! It's quite hilarious!

In this episode, you get to hear sweet nothings from Cody's best friends: Alex, Riley, and Luke. Yeah, guys, I know, that's the Alex that I've been going on dates with. They start out by introducing them, blah blah blah. Alex gives a date recap, so I feel like I don't have to! He says that we went to a drive in movie, but there was no canoodling like Cody was hoping, although we did hold hands. This is all true!   Way to go, Alex! 

Afterwords, Cody brags about himself for a bit, but Alex sets the record straight, pointing out that Cody is in fact, NOT 6'3" and 210lbs. So. That's embarrassing Cody. You're like, one of those online people who lies about everything. Just kidding everyone, he only fibbed a bit. He's pretty normal. 

So, they read my blog. Cody agrees that flirting should come naturally, and Alex points out that it's a lot easier to flirt with people you don't like! I agree. Cody reads something that he sent to Wednesday Night Girl to ask her to podcast with him this week. (Are you guys so excited? Wednesday Night Girl! An actual love interest of Cody's! She'll be talking to you all!) Riley talks about lowering the stakes to make himself more comfortable with flirting. Love that, Riley! Flirting does not mean commitment! Luke says he doesn't get nervous until he gets to know people more. This is semi-normal, I guess... Cody agrees that there is more at stake. Everyone agrees that confidence is really attractive! You guys, seriously, all you need is a smile and some eye contact, and you can get someone a little interested. They all laugh as quietly as possible, and have a hard time talking. I can only imagine how this was going down in Cody's basement...

So, answers to questions.

1. Cody notices that he just answered this question! Do boys respond to confidence in the same way girls do? The answer is obviously, yes. Cody then brags to Alex about having a better relationship with me than he does. Much taunting laughter at this jibe.

2. What makes you feel comfortable enough around a girl to flirt with her? Alex says when girls give him good signals, he feels comfortable. Cody agrees. Riley likes it when girls start up conversations. Cody talks about a girl who flirts with him by bringing up deaths. Luke things there should be attraction already, that way, he knows he likes her and he goes after it! Luke, you are so brave! Love it. Riley thinks you should keep flirting if you like a girl, Cody really likes that. Alex taunts Luke about a girl named Alexis who he used to like. Luke defends himself by saying he doesn't like her anymore. Much boyish sniggering behind the microphones. They blow each others noses.

3. What makes you think that a girl is flirting with you? (I thought this question was hilarious. As if girls are ever really flirting with them...) Riley likes it when girls bring up things like, "we should go boating sometime!" Cody labels that "probing". Alex agrees that "call back" is important. When girls remember what you have said before, that's good. Luke thinks what I said about eye contact is good! Thanks Luke! My mom told me to say that. Ha ha. Jk. Cody thinks it's easier to tell when girls aren't flirting with you. That's because they never are... as I mentioned before. (Sorry, is this getting mean? You know I don't mean it.)

4. What do you consider flirtatious? Yes that is a real word. Riley is all about light-heartedness, physical contact like soft brushes of the arm... Cody misquotes me by saying that I basically run into people on purpose to flirt. This is untrue. 

5. What can girls say to get you more interested? Cody thinks when girls joke about kissing they are flirting. Cody, Cody, Cody. Luke doesn't like super forward girls, but still finds it flattering. Cody likes forwardness. Riley thinks compliments and opportunities to hang out are good. Cody likes when girls pretend to like what he likes. (They're desperate, Cody). Alex thinks nothing. When he likes a girl, he likes her. This is good information to know? yeahhhhh. Riley needs more time to decide if he likes someone. Alex is the type to observe them from a distance and then get to know them. It's all good, I'm used to people spying on me.... ha. 


We love dating. So if you date, we love you. Yeah, we dropped the "L" word on ya. 

They also role play... talking about androgynous names and flirting with each other. It's like... pretty good. I guess you'll just have to listen to it. Enjoy!

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