Thursday, September 13, 2012

Cody thinks kissing is service, which I don't agree with.

Alright folks! Can you say, FINALLY? Here's the deal. We were supposed to have a podcast out last week on Dating Myths, but through a series of unfortunate events, the podcast was deleted, and we had to set up a skype date to re-record. We decided to scrap dating myths for a while, and just talk about kissing. Because who doesn't love some good kissing talk? On this podcast we discuss first kisses, what they mean at different stages, how to overcome the fear, and the two rules you should remember before kissing someone.

So, if you want to hear everything we talked about in the podcast, you should listen to it, because this is not going to be a specific transcript like the Singles Ward Episode. (most popular episode ever! Woo!)

You know, back in the olden days, men and women were barely allowed to be in the same room alone with each other. Especially if they were dating. Like, maybe if they were just friends, it was fine, but if they were dating, they each needed a chaperone, if not two. And I'm not saying that I want things to go back to that, because I for sure don't, but I just think it's interesting. Kissing was so intimate back then, because it was rare that you actually got to do it. And here we are these days, when if you have been with each other like three times, it's basically expected that you kiss. Not because you like each other a lot, or want to date at all, but because you have simply been near each other. 

I'm not saying it's always like this. There are many respectful people out there to date, who think that kissing is important and special and should always be that way. But I think a good majority of people think, whatever, it's just kissing. 

Which, with that thought, I think kissing is what you make it. If you want it to mean something, and you're with the right person, it will mean something. If you don't care if it matters, then it won't. The most important thing is that you evaluate your feelings for real. Do you want things to continue with this person? What kind of message do you hope to be sending by kissing them? Have you noticed signals from the person that they are interested in kissing you as well? What do you think their motives are? 

These are the things you need to look for, for a meaningful kiss!

If you don't know how to kiss, here are the steps:

1. Create the Opportunity: If you want to kiss someone, you need to make it an option. You are not going to get kissed if you aren't even looking at the person. So that's the first step, look at the person head on. Eye contact is essential at first. Yep, I'm talking some full frontal eye gazing. I went there.

2. Wait Time: The worst part of creating the opportunity is keeping it going. There you are, gazing into each others eyes, and NOTHING IS HAPPENING! Do you keep looking? Do you look away?? If you want that kiss, you better keep looking. Boys need time to gather their courage, and girls need time to decide if they want it or not... ha ha.

3. Lean In: Umm... pretty self explanatory.

4. Stagger and Tilt: This is ESSENTIAL! You don't want to hit noses, but you don't want to turn your face horizontal. Tilt your face whichever way is most comfortable. Just to the side of the nose. And then stagger your lips! Do not go top lip to top lip. You need to be in between. Pick the top lip to aim for, OR the bottom lip, and go for it. Not both! There is no need for both, you greedy people.

5. Try Not to Laugh: This is a mostly personal one. I have a hard time not laughing after kissing. I get awkward sometimes, so what? 

Ok, go on a date! And kiss someone! But only if you mean it!