Wednesday, June 27, 2012

podcast that needs to be posted! no dates! Second dates! Teaser for the next post!

Hey there, everyone! So, our newest podcast has not been posted yet. (Hopefully today!!) But I figured I'd recap a little bit of it anyway. Just the first half. When it is posted, I'll post about the second half. For my entertainment as much as yours.

Cody and I both had not gone on dates this past week. (Me, because of my summer job as a camp counselor, him because he was too chicken, of course.) So we chatted about the prospective date that I had, and how he was going to get a second date from the girl he took out last time. Both of us felt good about what was to come.

And then, since it was on topic (did we plan that? You bet we did) we talked about SECOND DATES! How to get them. Our main conclusion is that second dates should happen if you are getting the right signals. We cannot stress enough that signals are your main dating guide. Do not ignore them! It's like when you're looking at your GPS on the way to a place you've never been before. One wrong turn and.... you're lost. So always always always pay attention to the signals of the other person. (We did one of our favorite podcasts about signals a little while ago. For all of our podcasts, go to Podomatic, or download them for free on iTunes.) We decided that second dates should still be interactive, because you still need to get to know the person. But also, if you continue going on dates with the same person, not EVERY date has to be super creative and interactive. If you just like spending time with the person, just spend time with them! However you want. It's the first few crucial dates that it is important to make sure you are getting to know the person above all else. And in the end we concluded that if someone asks you on a third date, they are definitely interested. And if you say yes, you're saying you're interested back. So, don't give off wrong signals, pay attention to signals, and go on interactive get-to-know-you second dates!

After we concluded this, Cody teased me about not knowing what my second date with Alex was going to be. And then I plugged my ears and he told everyone on the podcast.

But now I know what the date was and how it went... so perhaps I will post about that later!


  1. commenting on my new laptop :) :) :) um, i never heard the alex story

  2. ok so what if the signals seem to be all there and then he doesn't ask you out again? i say it is just because he is a confused boy.... but you are the dating gurus. expound on this oh wise ones
