Wednesday, June 27, 2012

a date recap of my own, for you.

After the podcast on Saturday, I had my second date with Alex. (See first date here.) Once again, it was a surprise! I love surprises!! (Have you seen Kristen Wiig's surprise party sketch on Saturday Night Live? If not, watch it, and then read that last sentence again.) He came to pick me up, and then we drove into the metropolis that is Salt Lake City. We parked at The Gateway, and walked straight from the parking lot into... Discovery Gateway! The Children's Museum! (It was previously mentioned on the last podcast that This was a potential date idea, and that I would love it. But Alex would like you to know that this was his idea BEFORE the podcast, and it was a blow to his pride to take me there after the fact, but he did it anyway, because, let's face it, it's a good idea. comma.) When we got there, we walked straight to the magnetic wall, and it was all fun and games after that. Never mind that we were the only adults without children there... it was a blast. There was one moment even, where, while sitting down to draw comics, Alex turned to me and said, "Oh no! That child just fell out of his stroller right next to you!" And I looked at him feeling confused, because I had no idea that a child was next to me in the first place. And then when I looked down, lo and behold, there was a baby flailing around on the ground by my feet! I scooped him up and put him back in his stroller, patting his arm consolingly while he looked at me with watery eyes. Finally, some woman wandered over saying things like, "Where is Hayden? Is that him? I can't tell if that's him..." (If she was his mother, I'm reporting her. She doesn't even recognize her kid?? She didn't even SEE HIM FALL OUT OF A STROLLER?!) So, after determining that it was, in fact, Hayden, she strolled him away, muttering about people leaving him alone over there. After which, Alex and I made paper airplanes, wrote secret messages on them, and flew them off the roof. And then pretended we were helicopter pilots. And then built a building in a triangle shape, hoping that it would withstand the earthquake. (It would not.) After an exciting game of throwing plastic colored balls at each other, the museum closed and we had to leave. So we went to California Pizza Kitchen and made best friends with our waiter! We chatted about things! I dropped my fork on the floor! And ice cream on my shirt! The waiter saw it all! Then we got in the car to drive home, and conversed about which was better, Maroon 5's Payphone song, or Katy Perry's Wide Awake. I was all for Payphone. And while Alex was looking for Wide Awake on the radio to prove that it was better, Payphone came on, and we had a dance party in the car. Win.

So, that was my second date. Interactive? Check.

Go forth! Date someone!

podcast that needs to be posted! no dates! Second dates! Teaser for the next post!

Hey there, everyone! So, our newest podcast has not been posted yet. (Hopefully today!!) But I figured I'd recap a little bit of it anyway. Just the first half. When it is posted, I'll post about the second half. For my entertainment as much as yours.

Cody and I both had not gone on dates this past week. (Me, because of my summer job as a camp counselor, him because he was too chicken, of course.) So we chatted about the prospective date that I had, and how he was going to get a second date from the girl he took out last time. Both of us felt good about what was to come.

And then, since it was on topic (did we plan that? You bet we did) we talked about SECOND DATES! How to get them. Our main conclusion is that second dates should happen if you are getting the right signals. We cannot stress enough that signals are your main dating guide. Do not ignore them! It's like when you're looking at your GPS on the way to a place you've never been before. One wrong turn and.... you're lost. So always always always pay attention to the signals of the other person. (We did one of our favorite podcasts about signals a little while ago. For all of our podcasts, go to Podomatic, or download them for free on iTunes.) We decided that second dates should still be interactive, because you still need to get to know the person. But also, if you continue going on dates with the same person, not EVERY date has to be super creative and interactive. If you just like spending time with the person, just spend time with them! However you want. It's the first few crucial dates that it is important to make sure you are getting to know the person above all else. And in the end we concluded that if someone asks you on a third date, they are definitely interested. And if you say yes, you're saying you're interested back. So, don't give off wrong signals, pay attention to signals, and go on interactive get-to-know-you second dates!

After we concluded this, Cody teased me about not knowing what my second date with Alex was going to be. And then I plugged my ears and he told everyone on the podcast.

But now I know what the date was and how it went... so perhaps I will post about that later!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

date recaps and all manner of other dating things

So! Welcome back! Cody DW Scott and I pocasted this weekend, so here is my first ever recap post! (are you excited?  You should be!) Pretty much we talked about my last post that I wrote. So the recapping will be at a minimum for Date Debate! Just read the last post! Woo!

Without further ado, a recap on Date Recap.

So I, Madeline went on a date this last week with a nice young man named Alex. (He's been on the show before! In fact, we have talked about him a lot! You may have to go back and listen for it, it's worth it.) Alex and I have been friends for a while, and we were originally planning a camping trip with friends for this past weekend. But due to extenuating circumstances, we couldn't go, and I was sad. So, Alex asked me on a date for last Thursday, and I said yes! (duh!) The whole thing was a big surprise. All I knew what that I should wear normal clothes, and not eat before hand. So, he came and picked me up, and we went to Winger's for dinner! WINGERS! (it's cool.) And then we drove to his house. HIS HOUSE! (I was surprised.) And he said, "Don't be worried," (I wasn't. I was just surprised.) "I promise it's not weird." So we walked into his backyard and I stumbled upon a campsite! A CAMPSITE! That's right folks, Alex had set up a tent and a fire pit and camp chairs and even a horse shoe game! A HORSE SHOE GAME! (I had previously told him that one of my favorite camping trips involved horse shoes.) I was dying. How wonderful! How creative! How thoughtful! So, I beat him in horse shoes, naturally. We made s'mores, and Alex tried to get me to put a match out with my mouth... which I was much too terrified to do. But he could do it, and that was fun. And then we went inside the tent. Not like that, guys. We went in and what to my wondering eyes did I behold?  A COUCH AND A FLAT SCREEN TV. Yep, you read that right. So we watched a movie, with a sleeping bag as a blanket, and it was just about one of the best dates I have had in a while.

A while ago, Cody and I were podcasting, and he started facebook chatting with this girl named Emily. While I was there! The horror! Like I want to sit there and watch him flirt with some other girl? The nerve of him. So, in a moment of comedy, Cody was typing something hilarious (hilarious to him, it was actually kind of mean...) like, "Just give me your number you crazy girl. I am tired of talking to you about your life! And you are dumb!" (that's just a guess of what it said... I don't really remember.) So we were chuckling, and then he started deleting it, and I just (oops!) reached over and pressed enter before it was all the way deleted. And in a twist of fate, the message ended up saying only, "Just give me your number yo". Needless to say, we ended up laughing so hard we were crying, and she gave him her number. So, he asked her out this past week! They went to an average Mexican restaurant, where Emily validated him by telling him that the salsa was the best she'd had in a while. (it's salsa from a jar, but Emily doesn't need to know that.) (Emily, are you reading this?) Anyway, then they went to the greatest fun spot you'll ever know, Cherry Hill! They went mini-golfing, where she beat him handily, and then messed around at the batting cages, where Cody discovered his hidden talent, and the fact that Emily is horrible at baseball. But they both had a grand time! And Cody would ask her out again!

So that's basically what we talked about, without a few gems of course, because you should still listen to the podcast, which I will link right HERE.

Ask someone for their number, yo! 

Friday, June 15, 2012

my thoughts on dates

While we're on the subject... oh wait, we're ALWAYS on the subject! How comforting.

Let me tell you about my thoughts on dates. I don't like them. At least, those first dates, first stages of what could possibly in the future be a relationship but who really knows anyway and most likely won't be because more often then not first dates are disappointing... if you know what I'm saying. Usually, before first dates I am overwhelmed with the desire to come up with a believable excuse of how I could not possibly come. Half the time, I follow through with the excuses (something I am working on!) a quarter of the time I just go to get the inevitable over with, and the last quarter of the time I am actually semi-excited. (congratulations to you young men who have made the semi-excited list. Watch. Now you are all evaluating your relationships with me and feeling uncertain. whoops.) (not that there are a lot of you?)

Anyway, what I'm trying to really say is, I would like to give you some tips on first dates! Would that be acceptable? I don't need your approval! Moving forward.


1. For heaven's sake keep it short. I'm talking 3 hours at the max. First dates are awkward just because of the fact that they are called a "first date" so dragging out the awkwardness any longer could be a recipe for disaster. Short and to the point is the way they should go.

2. Do something interactive. No movies! No places where you have to sit down and be quiet. What is even the point of spending money on someone you barely know, and asking them to sit quietly next to you? I submit that there is no point. Meals are good places for conversation, competitive things like mini-golf and batting cages are good ways to see how this other person reacts under pressure. That's all you really need to know about a person, anyway.

3. Have a plan. I once went on a date where there was a really flimsy plan, and I completely lost faith in the person all together. Girls like to know that you're a man with a plan, full of confidence! Ready to take on the world! Knows how to roll with the punches! That kind of thing.

4. Casual is better. As mentioned before, first dates are already the breeding place of awkward, so if you are forced to be (gasp!) fancy? that's just begging for trouble. Take it down a notch, Romeo. If you're taking a girl on a date who only wants to wear evening wear, you've got bigger fish to fry.

5. Pay attention to signals. This is the most important thing to remember, because you're going to have to address these signals at the end of the date. That's right, the doorstep scene. If you caught on to the signals, you should have no problem during such a scene. And, action! (ha ha). You need to be able to recognize if it was a handshake, high five, hug, or kiss kind of date! You need to know if a second date is in the future or if it is a ridiculous notion! (probably it will be the latter. what? you only end up with one person. duh.)

That's all I have to say about that.

Cody and I are recording tomorrow early early! (ew!) We'll be talking about break-ups. (sad face!) And maybe first kiss stories! (we'll see!) Basically, just get ready for awesomeness.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

getting to know you, getting to know all about you! (because that's what you do on dates... duh.)

Acknowledging the fact that we have yet to post a new podcast that I can debrief on this here blogging wonder, I thought, hey! Maybe some of you are new! Maybe you would love to know who the heck we even are! Maybe you would like to know if I enjoy sunsets, or if Cody loves remote controlled helicopters! (It's all very exciting, this getting to know you thing.) So, without further ado, I'll give you a short history on each of us!


It was in first grade that I had my first boyfriend. His name was James. He gave me a yin yang necklace. He had the yin, I had the yang. (or the other way around? hmm.) Needless to say, it didn't work out, and I buried the necklace and ran away in my little red jacket. I spent most of elementary school building imaginary worlds on the playground, and trying to impress people by kicking soccer balls as hard as possible. I spent afternoons watching Even Stevens and falling madly in love with Shia LaBeouf (a relationship which, sadly, never came to be). Jr. High brought a whole slew of TLC shows that changed my life. Like, What Not To Wear, and Trading Spaces. As I made my way to high school, thinking I was cooler than everyone else, and wondering if I'd get asked to prom with that attitude, I met Cody. No, he didn't ask me to prom. He stayed home and played video games. And made me do his homework. But that's another story altogether. And this story is one about me! So, moving on. I finally got to college, had a first kiss, changed my major, dated a plethora of men, only had a dishwasher for one year, and started a blog and a podcast! My life has really come to its peak. (hopefully not!)


In Cody's early life, he attended a hoity toity school called "Spectrum" which defined him as a loner for the rest of his life. Thankfully, he moved to new places like Loveland, Colorado, and Chicago, Illinois and gained some sense of normalcy. In high school, Cody was the type of kid who laughed in the face of authority figures, excelled at AP classes, and played video games instead of asking people to dances (too much? sorry). While the rest of us moved around to colleges, Cody became a Janitor and Security guard for a bacon factory, (a very honorable thing. I'm sure he did it because he knew girls love a man in uniform) and dated a girl he hated just to get closer to his real crush (good plan??). After those days, Cody served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Spain, where he visited torture museums, learned to speak Spanish with a lisp, and of course, taught the gospel. Following the mission days, Cody decided to attend a school that he hates, where he is a rebel without a cause, writing papers that are the opposite of what the teacher asked for, and getting in trouble more than he did in high school. He came up with the idea for the dating podcast, and even started a second (lesser known, but I'm sure just as cool, (NO. NOT JUST AS COOL.) podcast on video games. Surprise, surprise.

So there you have it, our quick life synopsis. Keep coming back! Cody and I are recording on Saturday, but I'm sure you'll hear from us more before that... Saturday is like, super far away. Bleh.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Do you date or dream of dating? Welcome to the right place.

Hey, hey, hey there Daters and Date-ett's! (That's how Cody says it on the podcast but I am unsure of the spelling.) Welcome to our blog where we recap and rehash important points of the podcast, and I'm sure, liven things up a little with even more dating insight than anyone can possibly handle.

At this moment, previous recordings can be downloaded FREE from iTunes! All you have to do is search DW Datecast. There is also a handy site called Podomatic where you can do the same. This stuff is worth listening to, people. We tackle all the normal dating issues, and come to pretty awesome and helpful conclusions. We can't all be masters of dating... that's why Cody and I took it upon ourselves to share with the world.

If you feel so inclined (and you should!) by all means, "like" us on Facebook and follow us on twitter by clicking the links to the --> of your screen! (that little arrow means to the right, genius, I know.) We're sarcastic on Twitter, and we post very specific and accurate horoscopes on Facebook. We also take your suggestions on topics, so if you want to contact us, feel free! You may just get a shout out.

Well. Now is the time where I transition into a farewell sentence... but as Cody would tell you, I'm not that great at transitions. (that is a LIE! I'm great at them! I'll prove it!)

"like" us, follow us on the blog and twitter, and we guarantee* that you will have much more success in dating!

This is Madeline, signing off. May the dating odds be ever in your favor!

(that wasn't too bad, was it?)

* standard dating rates apply. we are not held accountable for your dating failures, but we will take credit for the successes.